by MIME | Jan 13, 2022 | Projects
Every project we undertake requires decisions in relation to planning legislation. We have experience of a wide variety of applications from Full Planning Consent to Listed Building Consent, Certificates of Lawfulness to Change of Use. Where we can, we look to use...
by MIME | Jan 13, 2022 | Projects
The challenge… Purchased with an existing approval and a short timescale before planning expired, our client wanted to entirely redesign to achieve a more contemporary and minimal design to suit their lifestyle. They also wanted to be as energy efficient /...
by MIME | Nov 18, 2022 | Projects
The challenge… Humanity is experiencing the effects of collective past choices in the form of climate change. More people are now aware of the impact of their own lifestyles on the planet. Everyone can play their part in turning things around with a reduction in...
by MIME | Jan 13, 2022 | Projects
The challenge… We were appointed to design a temporary staircase and ramp to get pedestrians and cyclists from the station into the town centre across the old railway goods yard. A 4m drop had to be accommodated, suitable visibility splays created for cyclists onto...
by MIME | Jan 13, 2022 | Projects
The challenge… Our client had hoped to return to their childhood hamlet to build a traditional four bedroom Cotswold style home to retire to. This would also allow them to care for an ageing parent who still lived locally. However, they were told by the Local Planning...